2025, Akademiekurs, Malerei
Oil Painting – representational/figurative
Kurs-Nr. 107-3-25 |
12 Teilnehmer
| 530 EUR pP |
Mo. 15.09.- Sa. 20.09.2025| 6 Tage
MO-FR 10-17 Uhr| SA 10-13 Uhr

Strobl Materialliste 2022

Because of its properties and the wide range of possibilities it offers, oil painting is considered the “supreme discipline” of the visual arts. The durability and color brilliance of this medium, which can be used to achieve effects and results like no other material, is unsurpassed.
For beginners and advanced students. The course instructor will address the individual projects and knowledge of each participant. There is the opportunity to realize a painting project, to develop and elaborate an oil painting step by step. We will address all aspects of painting, such as choice of subject, design, composition, drawing, color, painting technique, etc.
Beginners will learn elementary practical skills of oil painting, such as image structure, basics of painting technique, color theory, and materials.
Advanced students can expand their technical knowledge and experiment with the medium of oil painting.
The choice of motif is optional. There is the possibility to work with photographs as a basis for your work, to try out pictorial compositions using still lifes, or to copy old paintings in order to study the basics of oil painting technique.
